Who We Are
Our club has a proud tradition, spanning for over 110 years and including contributions from many of our community's greatest leaders. Our members have a passion for service and a willingness to lead. We are in the top 25 largest clubs in the United States with over 200 members and we are the 4th oldest club in Iowa founded on June 1, 1914. We also currently rank as the 53rd largest club in the world! The Rotary Club of Cedar Rapids prides itself as an opportunity for:

- Quality and diversity of membership
- Opportunity to network
- Quality and educational value of programs
- Rich history and established traditions
- Commitment to education and children
- Gateway to all metro, national, and international clubs.
Examples of Successful Projects
- New Bo City market capstone sponsor
- Cedar Lake trail system improvements
- Winnebago full of medical supplies to Central America
- Freshwater wells in Africa and Haiti
- $750,000+ towards project in the club's first 100 years
- $200,000+ to "Polio Plus" to eradicate polio in the world
- Sponsor of many area high school initiatives
- Prospect Meadows Miracle Field Pavillion
- Prospect Meadows Rotary Recognition Wall
- Ponsetti Clubfoot initiative
- Cedar Rapids Art in the Parks
- Czech Village Kosek Bandstand
- Taylor Elementary School playground upgrade